Featured Reviews

Haunted Items

The genre of ekphrasis, famously exemplified by John Keats’ “Ode to a Grecian Urn,” considers how in looking at art, its history, materials, and makers, we may further understand our own humanity: “Beauty is truth, truth beauty, – that is

Featured Interviews

Immortality Projects

An interview with Mitchell Consky, author of Home Safe

In the spring of 2020, an influx of Covid patients collapsed Ontario’s healthcare system, exposing glaring vulnerabilities in an essential yet fragile government institution. In response, many of us, rightly afraid of contagion, were told to avoid in-person and, possibly,

Featured Reviews

Avian Ideas of Utopia

For centuries, humanity has dreamt of utopia, debating the social, economic, and ideological conditions under which civilization can exist in near-perfect harmony. One increasingly popular idea proposed by politicians and philosophers is an egalitarian system, where individuality and independent thought

Featured Reviews

From the Ashes

In 2017, a spontaneous fire tore through Behrampada, a slum in eastern Mumbai, India for the third time in the last decade. The flames destroyed multiple hutments, collapsing multi-storied residences, and displacing thousands of residents. The Behrampada slum, which houses


Heart It Stops

How you knew to hop the fence 

     the monotony
          the neighbourhood 

learned to drive drunk 


don’t stop 

     f*** the cops. 


No bothers
    but learned behaviours 

          from others 

               older brothers. 


In a pool of my own vomit shine 

Featured Reviews

The Age of Unfamiliarity

The unknown becomes an increasingly greater fear with each day. Technology plays an especially vital role in this development. It’s next to impossible to keep up-to-date with the latest in emerging science, information technology and biotechnology. There is a growing